Family Legacy Archive
by Legacymakers

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The Carlton Family

Ryan and Julia

Family Mission

The Carltons curate and live adventures that compel others to relentlessly embrace their original design.

Family Values

Team minded, Valor, Redemption, Adventure, Foster True Identity

The Applebee Family

Ben and Rylee

Family Mission

We live as secure, soul-centered, gritty followers of Jesus sent into the world to parnter in redeeming it.

Family Values

Others First, Global Worldview, Simplicity, Worship, Lifelong Learners, Love of Nature, Grit

The Burtea Family

Alex and Lindsay

Family Mission

We live a Christ centered life that pours out love, joy, and passion showing a genuine family filled with abundance.

Family Values

Faith in Jesus, Loving Family, Viata Mare (Live Big), Genuine Character, Inviting

The Glassman Family

Ben and Megan

Family Mission

The Glassmans cultivate a spirit of family, living life as it was intended in joyful communion with God. 

Family Values

Intimacy with God, Community, Intentionality, Adventure, Holistic Growth